Self LOVE practices for Sexual & Reproductive Health by Naomi Love

It is time, my sisters, my lovelies, to bring presence to sex, to connect the womb to the heart, to deepen our awareness and connection to our center. 

It is time to honor ourselves, to honor our cycles and our bodies.

Let’s talk about the womb. She is a hollow, suspensory, detoxification organ located in the center of a woman’s body. If the womb isn’t in the optimal position, she and other related systems of flow won’t get the nourishment they need to be in their full divine expression as organs and as collaborative systems. This and other contributing factors, such as the way a woman internalizes her life as well as the physical, emotional, spiritual experiences she has, all play a part in sexual health. A displaced womb can create lack of blood flow in and through the pelvis which can cause a cold womb, which means the womb can’t dance, contract and expand as easily as when she is warm and supple. 

Womb placement affects our physical health as well as our emotional and spiritual senses as well. When the womb isn’t in optimal position there can be a sense of isolation, sadness and disconnection. A few symptoms associated with a cold, displaced womb include PMS, pelvic pain, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, PCOS, severe cramping, painful intercourse, a women can suffer from lack of sensation during sex, disconnection, she can be anorgasmic, suffer from ovulatory pain, miscarriages, depression, feeling ungrounded and unsupported. 

On an energetic-spiritual level, the womb is a woman’s center – she is our place of creativity and connection to the earth and to our ancestral lineage. She holds our wounds, our past sexual experiences, and as a hollow organ she often becomes the storage center of our deepest fears and shame. Thus creating emotional armoring, this armoring tends to produce a sense of disconnection to self, dissociative patterns, numbness, and difficulty staying present during sexual experiences.

Postpartum a woman can feel disconnected from her self. In many ways she has been broken open through childbirth, which can lead to post partum depression or s a sense of isolation or disconnection.  These practices are a way for a new mom to reclaim her sacred womb space, calling herself more fully back into her wholeness. 

Self-womb massage, and other self love practices including vaginal steams support healing, warming and de-armoring of the sex are also helpful for women to support them in reclaiming their sexuality. Steaming the yoni works because the yoni, the pelvis and the anus are directly accessible to the plant medicines and oils as the steam dances over and infuses into the tissue. The medicine of the steam (plants and water) is fully received into the body, warming the pelvis, and stimulating movement, awareness and presence and making space for the reconnection of heart and womb, womb and heart. 

Other supportive Self Love practices include breast massage & yoni moon bathing can be healing to the sacred feminine. The breasts are the gateway to connect heart and womb. Yoni moon bathing is a wonderful way to support healing the sex. Set up a private spot under the moonlight with your legs open to receive the moon’s energy, sip the lunar energy up into your sex and invite the moon energy to dance within you, to nourish you. This is helpful for supporting balance of the hormonal, lunar systems of the sacred feminine within us. You can also try yoni sun bathing which is similar but you lay your beautiful self out in the sun with legs spread open, receiving the warmth of the sun, you may even get to feel the wind on your sex! Yoni sun bathing should be done for under 15 minutes at a time, we don’t want any sun burned yoni’s out there, rather gently sun kissed. This helps to align the masculine energy channels that run throughout our system. 

One practice I really enjoy is from one of my teachers, Tami Kent, Wild Feminine: Finding Power, Spirit & Joy in the Female Body.

Visualizing the Pelvic Bowl

1.     Bring your awareness to your pelvic bowl. See if you can find the edges of this bowl. Even if you aren’t sure of your exact physical anatomy, picture your bowl in your mind’s eye and walk around the outer edges, moving your awareness around your bowl in a circle. Notice the shape and other qualities of your bowl. Is it round and even on all sides? 

2. The inner fibers and energy of the pelvic bowl are reminiscent of a bird’s nest. Notice if any part of the bowl feels pushed in, dent-like, or diffuse so that the edge is difficult to perceive. These may be areas where you have lost touch with this inner feminine range: the intuitive and creative expanse of your feminine expression. 

3. Bring your breath to any area that is not soft or rounded and see what changes. Imagine smoothing the energy of your pelvic bowl just as a bird smoothes and shapes its nest. 

4. When the process feels complete, finish by giving thanks for your pelvic bowl, the core of your feminine ground. 

It is so important for us women to reclaim the pelvic bowl, the womb space is so we can stand more fully in our essential true self, so we can live from our creative center. So we can be an embodied inspiration for all others on this planet!

Together let us heal, let us nourish, let us love. 

May our healing benefit the healing of all women. May we all be free from fear, and may we all remember that we are love.

Naomi Love is Mystic Healer, Sacred Feminine Facilitator, Womb Whisperer, Yoni Healer, Emotional Alchemist, Shamanic Guide, Spiritual Teacher, Medicine Woman, Ceremonial Priestess, Magic Maker, Intimacy Coach, Tantrika, Dreamer, Herbalist, Master Body Worker, Nutritionist, Flower Essence Practitioner, Aromatherapist, Yoga Teacher & Doula. Naomi has a small Botanical Apothecary and offers One-on-One and Remote Sessions, Apprenticeship Programs and Personal Healing Retreats. Call 808.269.1697 or visit www.mayamoonhealingarts. com.