Transforming shame and disconnect into love and self acceptance through the power of art making.

Transforming shame and disconnect into love and self acceptance through the power of art making.

How do we lose connection to our bodies? How do we reconnect?

I was in my thirties before I realized my childhood of physical violence and sexual abuse had created numbness for everything below my neck coupled with shame for my pelvic zone.

As an artist my early work was about the earth, the curving landscapes, the layers underground, layers of atmosphere, etc. but their format was always rectangular. And then at 32, I gave birth without drugs to a 9lb 3oz baby boy. This was the hardest thing I had ever done, and as profound an experience, on the other end of the spectrum, as when my brother was killed on a motorcycle. It changed me, opened me up and I started seeing circles in my art, mandalas. The birth also gave me the ground and self-valuing to begin work on healing my past.

Who and what is a Doula?

Who and what is a Doula?

For me, the word doula is both a noun and a verb.

The question of who is a doula is easily answered. A doula is one who shows up when the mother calls. Whether that is running to a birth that is happening in real time or returning for a home visit to assist a postpartum mother and 3-day old newborn in their precious moments of getting to know each other. The doula is the one that is on-call, with the birth/postpartum bag already in the car. A doula is a labor coach who has a voice that can soothe and empower at the same time. A doula is trained to assist in postpartum healing and provides a watchful eye over the newborn´s critical first days. A doula is one that serves families as they grow, who has a basket full of complementary therapies to soothe labor pains, shift energy, and anchor peace. A doula knows to do the dirty dishes in the sink and fold some laundry for the mama as she sleeps. In return, doulas get to witness newborn milky smiles and oxytocin rushes.

Defining the Seasonal Celebrations in your Family

Defining the Seasonal Celebrations in your Family

Growing up bi-racial, bi-cultural and bi-religious had its challenges, especially as a young girl in suburban New Jersey in the 1980s, yet I feel my unique family mosaic is a gift that allows me to continually expand my perspectives and transcend outdated beliefs, as I evolve, deepen and refine my spirituality.

Conscious Conception: My Initiation Into Motherhood

Conscious Conception:  My Initiation Into Motherhood

My personal definition of Conscious Conception: “The intention to call forth life onto this this earth, into a mother’s womb with the loving intent, consent and support of the father.  To agree as partners, to acknowledge the responsibility of caring for that life unconditionally in all ways and forever.  To do this as a partnership with united hearts and some type of connection to the Divine, Great Spirit, Creator, the Goddess… or whomever you connect with as a spiritual guide.”

Birthing Nahal Devi

Birthing Nahal Devi

In honor of my daughter’s 4th birthday on July 14th, I committed myself to revising and sharing her birth story.  This is something that has been on my to-do list for years, literally.  The more time passes, the more this experience becomes less vivid in my consciousness, so I felt an urgency to recapitulate it before it became a vague memory.  Besides, what better way to honor my darling daughter’s life than by remembering and rejoicing in her birth! 

Avoiding Stress in Pregnancy

Avoiding Stress in Pregnancy

This is a topic that I've been pondering since the time when I was pregnant with my Wilder, who is now 4.5 years old. After he was born, I wasn't totally sure if I wanted to have another child or not, but I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't do it again if I was experiencing stress and anxiety in my day to day life. 

Chinese Medicine and Conception

Chinese Medicine and Conception

The Taoist principles of Chinese medicine view the pregnant woman as the spiritual, mental, and physical vessel of the child.  Through the primordial dance of the vital essence of two separate beings coming together with a mutual soul contract, a woman’s womb becomes a sacred repository, which receives these essences and alchemically transforms them into one, which grow to fruition within her.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the intrinsic role of the pregnant woman is to nourish and protect the growing being within her, who has come from spirit to be made of flesh and bone. 

A Volcanic Birthing

A Volcanic Birthing

About 70 million years ago, Pele-honua-mea (Pele of the Sacred Earth); the goddess of fire, lightning, wind and volcanoes, left her homeland of Tahiti where she lived with her brothers, sisters, and earth goddess mother Haumea, on a canoe carrying the egg of her unborn youngest sister Hi’iaka. As she journeyed the seas, from land to land, she eventually came upon what we now know as the Hawaiian Islands.

How to Re-Set Your Day - For Mamas

How to Re-Set Your Day - For Mamas

This morning I’ve been thinking a lot about what we can do as mothers to reset our mornings, or reset our day. How many times have you wished to go back to bed and wake up and start again? Maybe you haven’t, but I certainly have had this thought many a time! I thought I would put together a little list of things I do to help re-start or re-set my mornings. 

BlessingWays: Honoring the Transition into Motherhood

BlessingWays: Honoring the Transition into Motherhood

I attended my first blessingway after I had already become a mother and was apprenticing with my midwife teachers. I was deeply touched by this ceremony.  It was so different compared to the baby showers I went to with my mother. Here I was in a circle of women who were all singing to a mother who was preparing for birth. We fed her with nurturing, nourishing goodness as we gathered to honor her and the nine-month journey of growing a child. We did our best to feed her spirit with strength and sustenance for the coming birth. We anointed her so she may walk fearlessly toward the initiation of Birth, a powerful rite of passage into Motherhood.